Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Talked to mom today, she just didn't sound well when I talk to her.  I called the nurses station to hope to obtain some information, but since mom just got moved to this floor she really couldn't tell me much.  I did ask about her WBC count and they have gone back up.  They are still giving her antibiotics in her IV to treat that. 

Auntie just called.  She is home from the hospital.  Said her and Gerald went downstairs to eat tonight.  When they got back up to the room mom got really short of breath.  They now have mom on oxygen.  Her feet, legs are now swollen along with her left arm.  Auntie and I both have the concern over her abdomen area being so swollen/bloated. 

This is so hard to go and watch.

CANCER----- YOU SUCK!!!!!! 

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