Sunday, July 20, 2014

Last Several Days

So yesterday I mentioned mom is to start Dialysis-  let me back up a few days to give you the background of what's happening.
All along her labs have been all out of wack, including WBC elevated (still with all the antibiotics she's getting) and her Creatine is unbelievably high. 
On Thursday, her potasium was critcally high and they gave her something to bring it down.  Talked and seemed to be doing pretty good, other than sleeping the afternoon away. 
On Friday,  she was doing pretty good in the AM.  Her labs showed her potassium was too low now (wow to high yesterday now to low) so they gave her some potassium.  This started the events for the day.  She got sick, stayed sick which caused her pain level to go up.  She was very aggitated, hurting, and nausea all evening until about midnight or so. 
Saturday,  before I got over to the hosptial- Auntie called and said mom had passed out a few seconds.  She was up sitting on the bed talking to her and dad when she said I feel dizzy and went back. From there she was experiencing chest discomfort.  EKG and labs shows not heart related but instead appears to be related to the fluid on her (due to no kidney output).  After the doctor gave options we had a brief family meeting.  Discuss and decided to have a cath placed to start dialysis.  This was an all day event.  Finally about 9pm (after several x-rays and replacing outside part of cath) mom went down for a partial dialysis treatment.  Auntie stayed with dad until she came back up.  When she did they told them she did not do well during the dialysis.  BP got to low so they had to stop it.

Sitting here in the room with mom is really hard to sit and watch her lay in the bed. 

I will update this evening on how today goes and if we can get dialysis in today (partial or full if any).

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