Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Round 1

So Round 1 (aka First dose) of Chemo completed.  It took almost 2 hours to complete the first dose of Chemo, but it is completed.  Prior to the the Chemo, mom got a sterior and some anti- naussea medicine.  Hope this helps.  She did appear to have a small reaction afterward, but not much- her face got a little flush. 
As a kid, after I had my foot sugery I wanted to eat Buger House, and well you guessed it MOM got it for me.  When Mom and Auntie got back in to town, mom wanted to eat Burger House.  It is the feel good place to go eat at apparently for this family. 
The staff told mom and Auntie to watch for nausea, diahrea and a few other signs but the big one is if there will be hair loss it will occur in about a week. 
Not only was today a big day for mom but a very dear and great friend had breast surgery today due to a recent diagnosis of breast cancer.  She had a double mastectomy.  She has been in my thoughts and prayers all day. 
I ask as all my friends and family reading this keep mom in their prayers along with Andrea. 

No One Fights Alone- 

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