Thursday, April 17, 2014

NO side effects

So far the side effects mom has experienced from the Chemo appear to be minimal.  Shortly after receiving the chemo (while still there) her face flushed and BP was elevated a little but not alarming.  Yesterday morning she woke up with a little nausea but not unbearable. So I believe she tolerated the dosage well. She has decided (I think) that if she should lose her hair, she is not getting a wig but instead will wear a cap or scarf.
She had a great day yesterday with visitors- Brian, Sandy, and Charlie Burton visited from South Caroline.  Mom really enjoy their visit and looking forward to more.
I have really changed my mind and way of thinking, never put off til tomorrow what can be done today or who you can see today, never wait til tomorrow.  Each day is a gift from God and we should all cherish it.  You never know when you gift has run out. 

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