Saturday, April 12, 2014


Live each day to the fullest and never put off to tomorrow what can be done today.  I have always heard that but not I realize how much that small sentence truely means.  Nobody knows how long we are placed here on earth to live, only the Good Lord above does.  We all need to make the best memories we can possibly make each and every day with out loved ones, not just family but our "FREMILY". 
On Thursday, I got a package I have been anxiously waiting to come in.  My support bracelets arrived.  They are Zebra print for NeuroEndocrinCarinoma Support.  If anybody out wants one, just let me know.  I will ship to you.  "NO ONE FIGHTS ALONE"  We all stand in support together.
Well yesterday we had our follow-up appointment with Dr Anthony.  The PET scan results showed the cancer is not only in the Liver, but also on the Rectum and in Lymph nodes.  WOW,  it's in multiple locations. OK  heads up-  keep strong.  Mom should start Chemo next week. She will receive a doze of Bevacinzumb (chemo) and Irinotecan Hydrochloride (anti-biotic) once every 3 weeks.  After the first few treatments, they made change to receive smaller dose or add in meds- all depends on how she does. 
And so a oncologist will not (or atleast Dr Anthony wont) give you a prognosis, he says we are all here to make memories, and live life now, never wait til later.  SHEW..... 
As all the school say 'WE ARE XXX"  here goes,  "We are HUNTERS" and we are mean and fight. 
LOVE to all reading and keep the prayers going and keep the faith.  All things are in GODS hands no matter the situation. 

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