Friday, April 25, 2014

Happy Friday

It has been a roller coaster of a week.  Spent a wonderful Easter Sunday with the family but by the time the sun was setting, Mom was tired and ready for bed.  And then it started......
Monday she was back to batteling a fever and was also sick.  The naussea had set in and she was staying cold.  Come to find out after I had a conversation with Patty L (cancer survivor that had chemo) she said to tell mom that she would have cold flashes instead of hot flashed.  There yah go, that's the reason mom was staying cold. 
Everyday I ask mom, "how are you feeling today" and the answer seems to always be..... Better than Monday.  Honestly,  mom does look pretty good.  She is one tuff cookie right now, just hoping she can continue to have the strength needed to fight this horrible 6 letter word (CANCER). 
Along with mom fighting this, I have a very dear friends also fighting- Andrea.  She is home recovering from her surgery waiting on the date/times of her next steps (port, chemo, and radiation).  Asking for prayers for not only mom but also Andree to give them both strength and healing.

"A warrior; feeds his body well; he trains it; works on it.  Where he lacks knowledge, he studies.  But above all he must believe.  He must believe in his strength of will, of purpose, of heart and soul."~~ David Gemmell

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Weekend

Auntie and I did the cooking for Easter lunch today, it was a struggle.  Seems like everything I went to cook I mis-read the recipe or something, OH well.  Lunch was wonderful.   Eating with family and friends is always great. 
Mom seems to be battling a fever, can't seem to make it stay down.  The fever keeps bouncing up and down.  Just hoping the fever is just her body batteling against the Chemo.  Other than the fever, mom seems a little weak but keeping her hydrated and eating to keep her strength up. 
No matter what it is always hard to see your mother sick/ not feeling well. 

"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference" ~~ Winston Churchill

Friday, April 18, 2014


No one like to see a loved one, let alone it be your mother sick.  Man is it hard to see you mom sick and not feeling well.   Mom called last night and said "I have a fever".  It bounced up and down all night long from 100.4 to 99.4.  We decided incase it go up and stayed up, she should go to Auntie's to stay the night.  Mom said last night-  and I had felt good all day long, and she did I talk to her on the way home and see sounded good and if dad got home from mowing in time she was going to Haley's soccer game. 

And one has to understand that braveness is not the absence of fear but rather the strength to keep on going forward despite the fear.  ~~~~ Paulo Coelho

The is so quote is just so perfect for me right now.  


Thursday, April 17, 2014

NO side effects

So far the side effects mom has experienced from the Chemo appear to be minimal.  Shortly after receiving the chemo (while still there) her face flushed and BP was elevated a little but not alarming.  Yesterday morning she woke up with a little nausea but not unbearable. So I believe she tolerated the dosage well. She has decided (I think) that if she should lose her hair, she is not getting a wig but instead will wear a cap or scarf.
She had a great day yesterday with visitors- Brian, Sandy, and Charlie Burton visited from South Caroline.  Mom really enjoy their visit and looking forward to more.
I have really changed my mind and way of thinking, never put off til tomorrow what can be done today or who you can see today, never wait til tomorrow.  Each day is a gift from God and we should all cherish it.  You never know when you gift has run out. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Round 1

So Round 1 (aka First dose) of Chemo completed.  It took almost 2 hours to complete the first dose of Chemo, but it is completed.  Prior to the the Chemo, mom got a sterior and some anti- naussea medicine.  Hope this helps.  She did appear to have a small reaction afterward, but not much- her face got a little flush. 
As a kid, after I had my foot sugery I wanted to eat Buger House, and well you guessed it MOM got it for me.  When Mom and Auntie got back in to town, mom wanted to eat Burger House.  It is the feel good place to go eat at apparently for this family. 
The staff told mom and Auntie to watch for nausea, diahrea and a few other signs but the big one is if there will be hair loss it will occur in about a week. 
Not only was today a big day for mom but a very dear and great friend had breast surgery today due to a recent diagnosis of breast cancer.  She had a double mastectomy.  She has been in my thoughts and prayers all day. 
I ask as all my friends and family reading this keep mom in their prayers along with Andrea. 

No One Fights Alone- 

Chemo- GO

Chemo is going in as I type.  Prayers and LOVE to mom this doesn't make her to sick.

Monday, April 14, 2014


I just received a call from a very excited lady.  When I answered the phone that said "Incoming call from MOM CELL" she was telling me in a very excited voice- she gets her first CHEMO treatment tomorrow at 1pm.  This is great to get the treatments start along with hearing the excitement in MOMS voice.  She has not been excited about much lately, so to hear the excitement in her voice, I believe we are in fight mode. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Beautiful Sunday

What a beautiful Sunday we had today-  green grass, birds singing, warm sun= a perfect day. 
I spent the day with mom and Haley.  After church, Haley, Cassidy, and I went to mom's.  Mom always takes Haley to get an Easter dress so we kept with the tradition and off we went today to Kohl's.  Even though it was a differnt style of shopping today than our usual shopping adventures, it was still great to spend the day with mom.   It was exhausting for mom but I truely cherish every minute.  I have sent the support bracelets out and mom was pleased to find out she has supports up and down the eastern half of the US.  Michigan, Missouri, Florida and South Carolina.         

Saturday, April 12, 2014


Live each day to the fullest and never put off to tomorrow what can be done today.  I have always heard that but not I realize how much that small sentence truely means.  Nobody knows how long we are placed here on earth to live, only the Good Lord above does.  We all need to make the best memories we can possibly make each and every day with out loved ones, not just family but our "FREMILY". 
On Thursday, I got a package I have been anxiously waiting to come in.  My support bracelets arrived.  They are Zebra print for NeuroEndocrinCarinoma Support.  If anybody out wants one, just let me know.  I will ship to you.  "NO ONE FIGHTS ALONE"  We all stand in support together.
Well yesterday we had our follow-up appointment with Dr Anthony.  The PET scan results showed the cancer is not only in the Liver, but also on the Rectum and in Lymph nodes.  WOW,  it's in multiple locations. OK  heads up-  keep strong.  Mom should start Chemo next week. She will receive a doze of Bevacinzumb (chemo) and Irinotecan Hydrochloride (anti-biotic) once every 3 weeks.  After the first few treatments, they made change to receive smaller dose or add in meds- all depends on how she does. 
And so a oncologist will not (or atleast Dr Anthony wont) give you a prognosis, he says we are all here to make memories, and live life now, never wait til later.  SHEW..... 
As all the school say 'WE ARE XXX"  here goes,  "We are HUNTERS" and we are mean and fight. 
LOVE to all reading and keep the prayers going and keep the faith.  All things are in GODS hands no matter the situation. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

Dr appointment

We had our follow up appointment today with Dr Anthony.  Once I'm able to put all my notes together and get my thoughts straight in my head I will do a more indepth post.
Always tell the ones you love - you love them and cherish every moment of every day.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Another accomplishment

For a minute we were concerned as to whether the PET scan could be done today (technical issues with machine), but yes we got the test done.   Even with  the concern as to whether mom's blood sugar would stay low enough to get the test, she was able to have it today. 
I am looking foward to my package that should be here any day from Choose Hope.  I have ordered bracelets to wear in showing my support for mom's battle again cancer.  I went with the zebra color/design, which is to represent carcinoid cancer.  The saying on the bracelet is "NO ONE FIGHTS ALONE". 
OH,  and mom got out today and went to Haley's soccer game.  She got to watch the GMS Cougar Middle School team beat Casey County 4-1 (A team) and 1-0 (B team).  Way to go GMS  on the win tonight. 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Busy Week

This is the beginning of a busy week for mom.  Today she had the Port Cath (link a pic line) inserted to be able to get Chemo.  Tomorrow is the PET scan and then on Friday we return to the Oncologist for a follow-up appointment.  At the appointment this week we hope to find out the low down details of the cancer, treatment options etc. 
As she should be MOM is watching the NCAA championship game, cheering on the Wildcats in hope for #9. 

Above all, be the heroine of your ife, not the victim. ~~ Nora Ephron

Saturday, April 5, 2014


"Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire.  It burns it all clean" ~~Maya Angelou
It is really amazing at how many different colors there are for what kinds of cancers.  Zebra is for Carcinoid Cancer and Emerald Green is for Liver.   Did not realize the different shades of colors all represent a different area of the body or type of cancer.  The only one I was familiar with is pink for breast.    Today is have decided to buy some of the zebra bracelets to wear one in support of mom with the saying on it of "NO ONE FIGHTS ALONE". 
It really seemed weird today being out to mom and dads- mom wasn't up pilfring around the house, doing the little stuff she wanted to around the house, cooking, cleaning, or looking for Jigs to come in.   Don't get me wrong she may not be herself but she looks and sounds better than she did last weekend.  I just want her back to being herself,  I realize this is a long road we are faced ahead of us but together we can do it. 

Friday, April 4, 2014


     I found this quote that I felt was appropriate and basially sums up life right now--
"And one has to understand that braveness is not the absence of fear but rather the strength to keep on going forward despite the fear".... Paulo Coelho
When I sit and look at mom, I can not begin to imagine how she feels but only hope she can find the strength that God will give her to fight this battle. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Just like the weather in Kentucky

Just like the changes in the weather here in Kentucky, so do appointments.  So the tech working with the PET scan called mom today and the machine is broke.  The PET scan has been rescheduled to Tuesday at NOON, which lead to changing her DR appoint to next Friday.  The Port is still on schedule (as of now) for Monday at 7:30. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Momma I'm Coming Home

Why YES I go home everyday, but today MOM is coming home.  She is being discharges from UK Hospital today.  Stopped by to see her this morning before coming into the office and WOW what a different IV fluids will do.  The doctor told them this morning he is going to change around some of her meds, which could have caused some of the problems.  But mom definatley looks and sounds much much much better than she did before her visit to the hospital.  Made a deal with mom that if she behaved so she could come home I would stop at Fan Outfitters today to get her a final 4 shirt. 
Fan Outfitters...... here I come. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

We have a room.

During my drive home today I got to thinking about a comment I read the other day on one of Haley's friends InstaGram and how I realize the truth in this comment more and more each day.  "DNA does not make you family, LOVE does"  I have come to realize that after all these years I thought I had a small family when in-fact I have a HUGE family. 
Mom has been moved to a room out of boarding in the ER.  PET scan has been reschedule to Thursday due to the V=Scan she had today on her lung (the test- to test for blood clot).The nurse said there needed to be at least 24 hours in between the 2 nuclear medicine test.
It was good to see mom feeling better today.  She is not back to herself completely but she is definitely a different person to see today than on Friday/Sunday evening.  She even says she is feeling better. 

Doing Better

Results from morning test are back-----ECHO shows no heart damages or concerns, Lung Scan shows no blood clot, Kidney functions are improving- we are getting reports from the doctor showing mom is improving.  They are trying to locate a bed for mom to be moved from the ER to a "real" bed.  The doctor attending to her care is great, he makes sure we understand and having any questions AND is doing all he can to get her up and able to have the PET scan on Wednesday (at 12:30) and PORT placement either Friday or Monday. 

Let's do this

Auntie stayed with mom last night, she said she seemed to be feeling better after getting some more IV fluids in her.  When I arrived this morning, mom was out traveling around the hospital (gone for an ECHO).  The physician attending to her stopped by to let us know-  her kidney functions are improving, heart rate was better, and BP is still lower than they like.  Alot of the issues are coming from being dehydrated.  They are going to do some more test to make sure she doesn't have a blood clot.  Still hanging out in the ER (no rooms at the inn).