Saturday, May 24, 2014

Crazy week

This  last week has been a crazy emotional week for me and I'm still sorting it out.  I thought I had my emotions in check but I've come to realize I may never have them in check ever again.  Mom is such an amazing wonderful loving caring lady - you never under stand why things happen, only GOD knows. He has the master plan.
Mom went on Thursday for a CT scan.  After she left- Dana from Dr Anthony office called to ask mom to go to the ER to be admitted. The reason was the found what he thought was an abscess on her Colon. Ok- but the ER doc seems to believe that spot was there on the first scan from Danville just bigger.  
We all knew all along it wasn't curable but hoping it could hold it at the level it's at- not spread.
We go back to doctor on Tuesday to find out more.
To me the hardest part is sitting here thinking - about mom   She has always been there for me. She is truely and amazing woman

1 comment:

  1. Hey Melissa and Annis, the Michigan Vennards are thinking about you everyday. We love you! Wearing our bracelets!!! Kevin, Allison, Emmy, Leah
