Saturday, May 24, 2014

Crazy week

This  last week has been a crazy emotional week for me and I'm still sorting it out.  I thought I had my emotions in check but I've come to realize I may never have them in check ever again.  Mom is such an amazing wonderful loving caring lady - you never under stand why things happen, only GOD knows. He has the master plan.
Mom went on Thursday for a CT scan.  After she left- Dana from Dr Anthony office called to ask mom to go to the ER to be admitted. The reason was the found what he thought was an abscess on her Colon. Ok- but the ER doc seems to believe that spot was there on the first scan from Danville just bigger.  
We all knew all along it wasn't curable but hoping it could hold it at the level it's at- not spread.
We go back to doctor on Tuesday to find out more.
To me the hardest part is sitting here thinking - about mom   She has always been there for me. She is truely and amazing woman

Monday, May 19, 2014


So, I'm a little behind but NO news is good NEWS- right?  well YES it is. 

Within the last week, the native has become restless.  Mom has been to Wal-Mart 2 or 3 times, went down to Paint Lick school to visit the ladies she worked with on the volunteer back pack program and several other outtings.  I am just amazed everyday at how much better she seems.   
OH- she has even learned to drive a motorized wheelchair at Wal-Mart, so everybody watch out. 

While Auntie was at the house this weekend, mom went in the dining room and asked dad to get some glassware down so she could wash and clean them. 

I know we still have a long road ahead of us, but the great days we have right now are truely a blessing and enjoy each day to the fullest. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Eventful days

So mom went to UK yesterday to the Cath Lab (as instructed by Bethany to see her drs) to have her port flipped.  Glad we went there this time, according to the DR it was a mess- no actually exact words I believe were, that was a shitty job.  They had to place back in spot, clean, fix, etc.  After long day there, mom back home. 
Today-  here's the awesome part of this post........
Mom originally had a hair appointment today, well since the buzz hair cut last week by Bonnie, no hair cut needed, so dad took her appointment.  Dad's hair was the usual, flipping up on the ends.  I called to check and make sure mom and Auntie got back home after "shopping at Wal-mart".  Mom wasn't going to tell me, so Auntie gets on the phone and says "you will be shocked when you get home".  Not knowing/remember the hair appointment switch, I demanded them tell me- I don't like surprised.  Mom finally told me,  dad buzzed his hair.  YES- DAD BUZZED HIS HEAD.  Can not wait to see this.  I have never seen my dad with short hair, cant wait.  This is so sweet, showing true love and support.  OMG,  my dad has a buzzed haircut. 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Today is the day to honor our mothers.  We shouldn't honor our mothers just today, but instead everyday.
I am very blessed to have a wonderful mother and mother-in-law.  I am blessed beyond means to have such a wonderful daughter.  Each day I am amazed at the strength and courage mom has.  She has just started getting sick in the last 24 hours.  When I went out today to cook her supper (Grilled Hamburgers) she was laying down in the bed.  She did get up and eat a burger along with strawberry and angel food cake.  
She is scheduled for early tomorrow AM to have her port flipped.  

Friday, May 9, 2014

Happy Friday

Just hoping and praying this round of Chemo for mom goes well.  Talk to her last night, which was a difference of day and night.  Yesterday morning, mom was planning on going to Walmart for a new pillow and curtain, but by the evening the chills had set it.  She said it's the weirdest feeling, she's just so cold on the inside, like it's -20 deg.  NO nausea yet, which I'm hoping is a good sign for this dose.
Still sounds good on the phone and talking about things she would like to do.  Good Positive thoughts. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Round 2 of Chemo

All day yesterday was spent at UK in the Whitney Hendrickson Building. We arrived for mom's appointment at 8:40.  The nurse went to draw blood thru her port to find out it has flipped.  YES, I said her port has flipped.  NO we dont know how but just that it flipped.  Chemo was given thru IV.  Lab results yesterday shows blood level is low so we are back today to get 2 units of blood. 
It is days like yesterday and today that make me appreciate the opportunity I have been given with my job.  I have the ability to work remotely when needed so I can sit with mom in her Chemo/infusion room working while she sleeps. 
Back to yesterday-  man I flip around telling stories, hope y'all can keep up.  So after she got chemo, we waited to see if we could get into interventional radiology to the get the port flipped,  no luck so instead mom came home to get her hair cut into a buzz.  When  you see her out and about now she will be sporting a hat or something to keep from burning her head. 
So far so good getting this dose.  No side effects yet. 
Well back to watching mom lay back in the recliner getting blood and working more.

Love to all

Monday, May 5, 2014

You take the Good, You take the bad......

You take the Good, You the Bad, You take them both and then you have the facts of life.....  YEP that says it all.
Today I called mom on my way home from work (like I would do almost everyday) just to chat.  When she answered it was amazing..... SHE sounded like her normal old happy self.  IT was great.  Those are the moment I will forever hold and cherish.
There are so many songs that I can sing in my head right now that happen in every day life, Love it -  it helps to re leave stress.
I can not say how much that I believe I have the bestest friends a girl can ask for.  They are there to listen to my vent, cry, throw my temper tanterum, really just what ever I need.  (Kathy, Kim, Brittany, Marsha, Andee, just to name a few)  They are awesome!
Tomorrow is the next Chemo dose for Mom.  I know this dose will be worse, just hoping and praying she can tolerate this level.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Beautfiul Weekend

There is nothing better than spending the weekend with friends and family, I got to do both this weekend.  Mom went out shopping Friday morning with dad to Sam's Club and Gordons (GFS) to get supplies for the fish fry at church.  She said it was good to get out but she was tired by the time they got home.  Haley had a soccer game Friday evening (the last regular season game) at Boyle Co. and afterwards Haley and I went to Junction City to the dirt races.  While at the races, mom apparently needed to visit UK ER for the night.  She had extreme indigestion.  Saturday, she stayed home and rested most of the day.
It is wonderful to have wonderful friends to spend an evening with to relax, when you never know what will happen.  Haley spent the night in Cartersville with Brenda and Gerald, while I went out to the Davis's on Danville Road for a while.  While we were sitting by the bonfire, chatting and roasting marshmallows, Anthony said listen I swear I hear a horse.  We got real quite and listed, YEP at 10:15pm at night there got a horse trotting up 52 East towards town with a line of traffic behind him.  After checking with the neighbors, all horses close were accounted for.  So, where did this horse come from, but better yet where did it go.  Living in the a county you know the cops, yet you call one to say hey come out this way and head off the horse.  When they get there, he says (and it was family) I didn't see no horse, y'all are crazy.  While standing around the car- guess what.  You guessed it, here comes the horse back.  Anthony and a neighbor were able to catch the horse and put in the barn til morning to find the owner.  Ahhh,  the live entertainment that can be found while sitting around a bonfire in good old Garrard County.
Sunday, today was beautiful outside.  After Church today, I went out to Cartersville to check on my child (who stayed the night with Brenda) and she was doing her favorite pasttime- riding the 4wheeler and playing in the mud.  Mom stayed after church for Potluck and board meeting and then still came up to the house to eat out back in the yard- grilled Steak and Taters.

And yes, to all wondering-  Mom is slowly loosing her hair.  For the past week she has been saying her head was hurting.  So here is my non-medical opinion, the headache is related to the hair loss.
While we were eating mom said, well I have a busy day tomorrow.  I asked what she had plans on doing and she said cleaning the house.  Got to get it done and the sheets on the bed changed before I go back Tuesday.

Tuesday is the day round of Chemo dose.

"Bravery is a willing decision to do what must be done.  Fear is a cancer that is cured only by doing what must be done, backed by an intelligent, open mind."~~ Corey Aaron Burkes

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Week 3

So far week 3 has been a good week for mom along with being a busy week.  Mom seem to (says she is) be feeling good this week. 
Tuesday night was Haley's 8th grade band concert.  So glad mom was able to go to this.  She has always been to every other band concert Haley has performed at in the middle school. 
Wednesday night, mom has been wanting Mexican to eat, mom and I went to Mariachi's to eat dinner while dad went to his last night bowling for this season. 
Thursday night (tonight) is the big night- 8th grade night for GMS soccer team.  Mom is planning on coming to this.  Hard to believe my baby has been playing soccer for 8 years now.  There have been alot of great memories and friends made at the soccer games.