Friday, March 28, 2014

First visit to Oncologist

     Today was mom's first visit Oncologist appointment at UK Markey Cancer center.  Our appointment this morning was with Dr Hoff and Dr Euland.  They have determined (or highly believe) the cancer is not related to the ovarian cancer 28 years ago.  They cancer today is believe to be NeuroEndocrineCarcenoma.  With that being said we are now off to a visit with a different doctor this afternoon,  Dr Lowell Anthony.  He is 1 of 2 doctors that specialize in this form of cancer.  What a blessing it is for UK to have this physican on staff with them, the other doctor is in LA. 
     After leaving the appointment this morning I feel a little better knowing this is not related to the her previous cancer but still to know this is a rare form of cancer and there are only 2 doctors that specialize in this form of cancer is a little unsetteling. 
     We return back to UK this afternoon for her appointment with Dr. Anthony to hopefully find out more about the cancer, is there surgery involved, what is the form of treatment mom will undergo and what other test will she need.  They did also mention this morning she will be having a PET scan. 
     Just keep on sending up those prayers. 

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