Friday, March 28, 2014

Dr Lowell Anthony at UK Markey Cancer Center

     This afternoon we meet with Dr. Lowell Anthony at UK Markey Cancer Center.  He is one of the two specialist that focus on the form of cancer mom has, or the believe she has.  He is from New Orleans and appears to be really knowledgeable.  OH and he seems to have great bedside care.   He sat down and talk to us for a long time today during her appointment, it was not the hurry up and let me get to the next patient type of appointment at all.  He truly seems to care about his patients. 
     He told us today he believes this is a very aggressive form of cancer.  WOW, imaging hearing that, not just the YES she has cancer but its an aggressive form of cancer.  YES, it was hard but we are here to fight.  To better understand what he is dealing with they are ordering a PET scan, but truly believe the form of treatment will be IV Chemo.  He believes this enough he is going ahead and scheduling a port placement for mom.  She will has her PET scan next Wednesday, PORT placement on Thursday, and we will return to his office on Friday for a follow-up appointment.  He has not come right out and said the Chemo will start the following Monday, however everything seems to be lining up to have the Chemo start them. 
    The best advise I have been told this week came from a 20 year breast cancer survivor that I work with, wonderful lady named Betty Bailey.  She told me that it is OK to cry for 30 seconds and that is it and to always remember "to GOD be the Glory.   I have forced myself to listen to her.  I can not sit and have a pitty party all day every day.  
     This is a fight that I will be by moms side for support  for her to give not 100% or 110% but 200% to kick this right in the BUTT. 

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